Our seasonal service projects are one of a kind in the sense that we collaborate with other non-profits that are wanting to help humanity and is on the same path of helping and serving all.
One of the organization we work close with is the Sathya Sai Center of Sacramento (http://www.region7saicenters.org).
The Seasonal Service Project is diverse and all who are interested to be part of or have any other projects they wish to add please contact us.
Thousands of school-age kids in Sacramento are homeless. But thanks to Operation Backpack and with the help of Volunteers of America they began the school year with brand new, filled backpacks -- looking and feeling more like their housed classmates and less like a child in need. We Donate to Volunteers of America 200 + backpack for the last 3+ years, filled backpacks to children living in and around Sacramento.
Sai Seva Sadan has been collecting clean, gently used coats and jackets, scarves, gloves, hats, boots, blankets and/or sleeping bags as a part of our community outreach program.
The collected donations are distributed to the homeless people of downtown Sacramento.
Participating in the Coat and Blanket Drive is an easy way for you and your family to pass along coats, jackets and blankets you no longer need while helping those most vulnerable to a winter in California.
This is one of our newest service project, in which we collect items to build care kits. We anticipate to make 54 Care kits. Once all necessary items are collected we establish a time for volunteers to come to the center and help put the kits together.Each kit is then distribute to those in need in an around Sacramento.
Sai Seva Sadan conducts a seasonal TOY DRIVE, we collect gifts donated by volunteers for the little boys and girls of Children Receiving Homes. We always expected to donate more each season.
We encourage all to bring just one gift. Each season we try to put a smile on the kids who need it.
Thank you in advance for your gracious donation.